Monday, August 28, 2006

Online Dating

Ok I will admit it publicly. I've tried those online dating services before. I tried them a few years ago. I've gone out with a couple of people once or twice. It never works out. I have my profile up on a popular one now. I really don't have high expectations. I'm not even really interested in finding someone now anyways. I'm just addicted to checking my account every day to see if anyone is interested in me and in checking out available hotties. All of the guys I send online smiles to don't respond back and all the guys that like me are guys who I don't find attractive. I would rate them a 5.5 out of 10. Why am I not attracting hotties?

I guess the internet doesn't really capture my mojo.

I like checking out the guys. It's hard to tell if you have a chemistry with someone just by looking at their picture and profile but I really think you can have some sense of whether maybe something could evolve.

Today was interesting though. I was scoping out the guys and I believe I came across the profile of a former boss of mine from a job I had about a year ago. I was at this job for just over a year when I got let go. (not my fault this time!) He was my team leader and he was quite the hottie but also an asshole. He was only about 1-2 years older then me. He was a 'let's go out and get drunk at the pub' kinda guy. Also had very little activities to stimulate himself. His hobbies? Work and beer.

Yeah he's one of those guys.

Anyways, I had this huge crush on him for the longest time. Like a schoolgirl crush. Maybe if he weren't a jerk, I'd ask him out.
I found out one day he had a girlfriend.
And then another day that he hadn't.
Then a week later I would hear he had the same girlfriend.

Yes he was one of those guys who always had this on-again off-again thing with his woman. I hate people like that. I really do. I just hate indecisiveness. Or do I? I'm not really sure. Oh no wait... maybe... ma y b e

I understand the doubting yourself when you dump someone. Or wanting them back if you've been dumped, thinking that maybe you two were really meant for each other and he's just afraid of his feelings. I get that but I just don't get people who break up and then get back and do it again and again.

You either like the pussy/cock or you don't.
It's real binary people.

Anyways, I sent an email to this person and asked him if he was my former boss. The profile stated he was a non smoker but I know my former boss smoked. And I know my former boss always secretly had a thing for me so perhaps this will be an opportunity for him to profess his undying love for me, because I know somewhere, there must be someone who has some undying love for me that they are too afraid to profess to me.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Yeah for Materialism!

I've been the materialistic whore this weekend. I ended up buying myself a laptop. I was aiming for under $900 but threw caution to the wind when I realized that I would be happier with a 17" monitor versus a 14.1" monitor. My current laptop is a 17" and so I think once you go big, you can never go back.

I also took Friday off and drove to Toronto with my parents and their new Buick Lucerne. Bulky mo-fo, if you ask me. It's 13" longer then the Malibu I drive and I'm not sure exactly how much wider it was but it certainly felt a bit wider. I wanted to check out this store called Zara which I learned about in this book called The Wisdom of Crowds. My parent's new car is also equipped with OnStar for free for one year and this was an excuse for us to test it out.

Let me tell you OnStar sucks ass. There are 4 Zaras in Toronto (there are currently none in Hamilton) and I chose the one on Bloor. Since my parents are sheltered people and generally do not go far or to many places other then the market, the gym or Italy, they can not fully understand how I felt when I was trying to express how horrid the directions were. If they were more familiar with Toronto, such as myself - although I claim no expertise - they would be able to participate with me in complaining about how stupid OnStar is.

Let me say it again.

We were on QEW and around the Erin Mills exit, I decided to ask for directions. I figured I'd give myself ample time to contact OnStar. How it works is you speak to a live person and tell them where you are going. I think there are other things they can help you with but we were only interested in directions. You can have them give you all the directions at once or they tell you step by step as you progress towards your destination. The live person programs the system and then when you're done with them an automated voice directs you.

First instruction was to stay on the QEW for X number of miles. As I got closer to Toronto, it told me to take Highway 2 (i.e. Lakeshore). So I did that. This is where it confused me. It said to stay on the right. Then a minute later it tells me to turn left on Jameson. I ended up missing my exit because there was no time to change lanes and then we had to contact them again.

Onstar was better off in telling us to stay on the Gardner and get off on Spadina. Anyways if you are considering OnStar, please don't. You are better off using a map. Poor directions. It's always better to stay on the highway then to drive through the city to get to your destination (in most cases).

I ended up buying a top at Zara. I wasn't feeling the style of clothes there so I'll probably never go again. Maybe I'll consider going to the Yorkdale one. It was uber busy though and I had to wait in line to try my shirt and to pay.

I also won some ebay auction yesterday for a Green Day calendar.

I've just been all spendy mcspender this weekend.
It is unusal for me.

It was also the first time I drove with my dad. I was a bit nervous because my father is critical and somewhat judgemental. I know when I drive with my mother, she'll correct me if I don't signal for a lane change. I'm a good driver but really sometimes I'm not going to signal every single time I move, especially if no one is around. Signalling is to communicate to other drivers what you are doing. If none are around, why signal?

Well after the trip my dad did say I did good.

I will also be starting a new job tomorrow. A real job! A job I found by myself! There is 2 weeks of training. I hope to have a good experience there. I have been temping in between so as not to get so bored. I finished my census job back in July and had some assignment from the agency that would last for the summer. I was still looking for work and had a couple of interviews and so I am glad that this worked out for me.

My future feels like it can take a new direction at any time.
I hope good things start happening to me because I deserve it!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

New Release!

This just in!
The Official Membership Card for Bisexuals.
Not available in stores.
Quantities are limited.

Coming soon; the Official Membership Card for Homosexuals.

Sunday, August 20, 2006


For all of those who don't know my father is a CNN junkie. Attracted to the American propaganda and the US media's grandiose perception that it's the only evolved democratic country in the world. Every day my psyche is exposed to this hogwash and one story really got my attention. It was about the Rapture. They did this commerical asking 'is this the end of the world?'. I was disgusted by this commercial. I am sure somewhere in America there are many uneducated people who really believe whatever they see on their tv. They probably really believe that hey maybe we are reallly in for the apocalypse. So a few days later they actually air this piece discussing the rapture. They interviewed these religious fanatic leaders who really believe that it is the end of the world. This piece aired a few days after this Israel war began. They believed that this war is a sign that was clearly outlined in the bible. They also said that we have had many signs leading up to this rapture. Signs such as floods, tsunamies and earthquakes. The Rapture is discussed in Revelations and these people believe that the Rapture was going to occur soon after this war began and that the apocalypse will take place. The Rapture is where all the good people go to heaven and will return to earth when the apocalypse is over. Then Jesus will come down and they will have peace for 1000 years.
CNN actually interviewed a regular priest who argued that the war going on has nothing to do with the apocalypse but was because humans were responsible for this problem. Yes someone speaking rational thoughts. Mmmmm rational thoughts.

Anyways, don't these Rapture believers realize that you have to be dead in order to go to heaven?

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Greetings and Salutations Homosapiens,

As previously mentioned I have planned to shave my hair and donate it for cancer patients for Labour Day weekend. I have to delay this plan as the minimum hair length is 10 inches. My hair is layered so parts of it are 8 inches whereas other parts are 9 inches. Unless my hair can grow 2 inches in 4 weeks, this plan will have to be delayed. I will either wait until next Labour day or just wait a couple of months and get my hairdresser to do it.

It's raining terrorists.
It's raining terrorists. Every specimen.
Tall, blonde, dark and lean.
Rough and tough and strong and mean.

Friday, August 11, 2006


I'm noticing that I'm saying whatever more then I should. Really how much is too much? I say it several times a day. So many things in life are not worth caring about so... whatever. I consider myself fairly articulate and so because I use the word whatever frequently, it makes me seem less articulate. But I honestly do not care to always be articulate. It's work and damn it I have a right to be linguistically inadequate occasionally.

My whole issue may possibly be a sign of my regression back into the teen years where excessive use of whatever was prevalent. I may unconsciously be yearning to go back to an earlier period of my life where I wasn't faced with the task of being a full adult and therefore my use of whatever is symbolic of my unwillingness to accept my entrance into adulthood.
